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SEO Tips What is Organic Traffic?

What is Organic Traffic?

    In simple Other than direct traffics are called Organic traffic. Organic traffic is Essential for website that need to be run in top of the google.  Link from other website to source website is called Organic traffic. If you want to Improve organic traffic create link from most relevant website like yours. Monitor good and bad links. Content should be optimized based on your keywords. Research good keyword.
Blogging is very good for organic traffic. without good content blogging is seriously not good. It gives negative output sometimes. So blogging for organic traffic with good content.
Do you need more tips and SEO For your Webstite.

Here are I list out possible seo realted hacks.. 
1. Create pages without using underscores
2. Create pages related to the website functionalities
3. Create pages along with keywords and tags
4. Create pages with useful contents and make it eye catching fast loading..
5. Create pages faster loading that means your page does not go above 3.seconds it should be under 3 seconds. Then only use possible to view. Otherwise they move competitors website who is having under 3sec loading time.
6. Each and every page should have unique title  and description.. Avoid same content on multiple pages it will give negative result.
7. Optimize all image tags properly in related to the service.
8. Write schema structure 


Osclass Mail Server Problems and solutions

1. User activation Mail Not send?

  In OSClass you need to configure mail server in osclass admin panel.

you can configure either your own localhost server or gmail server.

I) First locahost server?

   Server   :  Localhost   Email From : info@yourdomain.com   Port              : 25 for SMTP   user name  :yyyyy   password : your email id password

II) Gmail server configuration?

   Server  smtp.gmail.com
   Email From : info@gmail.com   Port              : 25 for SMTP   user name  :yyyyy   password : your email id password

Note :  If you use subdomain make sure your email id should be main domain