Register Shutdown Function
// capture the start time
= microtime(true);
// do some stuff
// ...
// display how long the script took
"execution took: "
(microtime(true) -
" seconds."
// capture the start time
= microtime(true);
// do some stuff
// ...
// display how long the script took
"execution took: "
(microtime(true) -
" seconds."
Ajax retrieve data onchange input:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
// if user chooses an option from the select box...
$("#cid").change(function () {
// get selected value from selectbox with id #department_list
var cusno = $(this).val();
url: "functions/get_name.php",
data: "q=" + cusno,
dataType: "json",
// if successful
success: function (response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// no teachers found -> an empty array was returned from the backend
if (response.customer_name.length == 0) {
$('#result').html("nothing found");
else {
// backend returned an array of names
var list = $("#list");
// remove items from previous searches from the result list
// append each teachername to the list and wrap in <li>
$.each(response.customer_name, function (i, val) {
//list.append($("<li>" + val + "</li>"));
// if anywhere in our application happens an ajax error,this function will catch it
// and show an error message to the user
$(document).ajaxError(function (e, xhr, settings, exception) {
$("#error").html("<div class='alert alert-warning'> Uups, an error occurred.</div>");
Use of PHP group_concat
If you wants to display date wise records in a single row you need group_concat.
Table 1: customer table 2: customer_trasaction
customer_id id
customer_name customer_id
customer_city paid_date
Now we need to get all the customer details transaction in a month datewise in one row per customer
$query=mysql_query("Select customer.customer_id,customer.customer_name, group_concat(customer_transaction.paid_amount) from customer left join customer_transaction on customer.customer_id=customer_trasaction.customer_id group by customer.customer_id where customer_transaction.paid date between '2014-09-01' and '2014-09-30' ");
Mail send
$pattern = "/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/i";
if (preg_match($pattern, trim(strip_tags($_POST['email']))))
$cleanedFrom = trim(strip_tags($_POST['email']));
} else
return "The email address you entered was invalid. Please try again!";
$res = $name;
$res .= $contact."\r\n";
$res .= $domain."\r\n";
$res .= $skypeid."\r\n";
$res .= $message."\r\n";
$from = $email."\r\n";
$headers = "From: $from \r\n";
$header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$header .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
if(mail($to, $subject, $res, $headers))
echo "<span id='messageBack'>Message successfully sent</span>";
} else{
echo "<span id='messageBack'>Your message wasn't sent. Please try again later.</span>";